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Embedded LonWorks Development Kit 1.11

Embedded LonWorks Development Kit 1.11

Screenshots of Embedded LonWorks Development Kit

Embedded LonWorks Development Kit Publisher's Description

Create device networked products with the world leading lonmark standards. Create in minutes a program which
controls any electrical device via the internet.Simplified Projects in Energy Management, Industrial Controls and
Home Security. Why use Lonworks ? Because 750+ Companies worldwide have compatible devices for the Lon.
All you require to do is plug the device and use the lon maker for windows to write a control program. You may then
check the device using internet or mobile phone. Like your door lock can be programmed to take your mobile-
Kit includes:
Temprature Reading Device Control on Internet
Light Bulb ON/OFF via Lonworks Server
LonMaker for Windows
iLon 1000 Server
AIO-10 Devices [Analaog Input Output Device Interface]
DIO-10 [Digital Input Output Device Interface]
6 Printed Operation Manuals from Echelon and Research Lab

What's New in Version 1.11 of Embedded LonWorks Development Kit

Lonworks Samples.

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